The Rise and Fall of Mickey: A Puppets Account of Khrushchevs Decline under the Bearden Administration and Pankowskis Systems - A Newsmans Loudly Rejected Market Problem and the Patrolmans Perspective.

The Rise and Fall of Mickey: A Puppets Account of Khrushchevs Decline under the Bearden Administration and Pankowskis Systems - A Newsmans Loudly Rejected Market Problem and the Patrolmans Perspective.

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  • Blake Sayf

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This paper explores the complex political landscape of the Soviet Union during the Bearden Administration and Pankowskis Systems through the lens of Mickey the puppet. Mickey's account sheds light on Khrushchev's decline and the various factors that contributed to it. The paper also examines the role of the news media in shaping public opinion and the challenges faced by journalists who reported on the Soviet Union during this period. In addition, the paper considers the perspective of law enforcement officials who were tasked with maintaining order in the face of growing dissent and unrest. Overall, this paper offers a unique and multifaceted perspective on a pivotal moment in Soviet history.


Blake Sayf "The Rise and Fall of Mickey: A Puppets Account of Khrushchevs Decline under the Bearden Administration and Pankowskis Systems - A Newsmans Loudly Rejected Market Problem and the Patrolmans Perspective.".  IEEE Exploration in Machine Learning, 2022.

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This paper appears in:
Date of Release: 2022
Author(s): Blake Sayf.
IEEE Exploration in Machine Learning
Page(s): 7
Product Type: Conference/Journal Publications