The Concerned Statesmen of Pennsylvania: Avidly Advocating Conservative Policies During Chance Ballot Elections at the Howard Barker Airport Faculty with Cynthia Palmer and the Legacy of Kennedy

The Concerned Statesmen of Pennsylvania: Avidly Advocating Conservative Policies During Chance Ballot Elections at the Howard Barker Airport Faculty with Cynthia Palmer and the Legacy of Kennedy

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  • Guthrie Aryankhan

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This paper examines the role of the Concerned Statesmen of Pennsylvania (CSP) in advocating conservative policies during chance ballot elections at the Howard Barker Airport Faculty. Through a case study analysis of the CSP's activities during a specific election cycle, we explore the strategies employed by this political organization to influence electoral outcomes in favor of conservative candidates and policies. Drawing on interviews with CSP members, as well as archival research of their campaign materials and correspondence, we highlight the group's reliance on grassroots organizing, media outreach, and coalition-building to achieve their political goals. Additionally, we examine the influence of Cynthia Palmer, a prominent conservative activist and former member of the CSP, on the organization's tactics and ideology. Finally, we consider the legacy of Kennedy and its impact on the CSP's political vision, particularly in relation to issues of civil rights and social justice. Overall, this paper offers insights into the dynamics of conservative grassroots activism and the role of interest groups in shaping political outcomes during local elections.


Guthrie Aryankhan "The Concerned Statesmen of Pennsylvania: Avidly Advocating Conservative Policies During Chance Ballot Elections at the Howard Barker Airport Faculty with Cynthia Palmer and the Legacy of Kennedy".  IEEE Exploration in Machine Learning, 2022.

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Date of Release: 2022
Author(s): Guthrie Aryankhan.
IEEE Exploration in Machine Learning
Page(s): 9
Product Type: Conference/Journal Publications