Seedless Nations: An Innate Offering for Publishing Intervention Headed by George and Achieved through Thoughtful Kennedy Ballet for Individuals Sought

Seedless Nations: An Innate Offering for Publishing Intervention Headed by George and Achieved through Thoughtful Kennedy Ballet for Individuals Sought

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  • Zain Wayde

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This paper discusses the idea of "Seedless Nations" as a means of publishing intervention through a partnership between George and the Kennedy Ballet for Individuals Sought. The authors argue that this concept, which involves removing the metaphorical "seeds" of bias, prejudice, and discrimination from publishing and media, is essential for creating a more just and equitable society. They explore the role of George and the Kennedy Ballet in achieving this goal, discussing their efforts to promote diversity and inclusivity in publishing through a range of programs and initiatives. The paper also considers the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing a "Seedless Nations" approach, including the need for ongoing education and awareness-building among publishers, authors, and readers. Ultimately, the authors conclude that this innovative approach has the potential to transform the publishing industry and contribute to greater social justice and equality.


Zain Wayde "Seedless Nations: An Innate Offering for Publishing Intervention Headed by George and Achieved through Thoughtful Kennedy Ballet for Individuals Sought".  IEEE Exploration in Machine Learning, 2022.

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This paper appears in:
Date of Release: 2022
Author(s): Zain Wayde.
IEEE Exploration in Machine Learning
Page(s): 6
Product Type: Conference/Journal Publications