Confronted Confidences: Teachers and University Action in the Season of Oriental Killers and Necessary Calldls - Insights from Parker Crosby and Burgess Garson

Confronted Confidences: Teachers and University Action in the Season of Oriental Killers and Necessary Calldls - Insights from Parker Crosby and Burgess Garson

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  • Rasmus Nicki

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This paper presents a qualitative study on the experiences of two educators, Parker Crosby and Burgess Garson, during a time of heightened fear and tension in the United States, marked by the presence of Oriental killers and necessary calls for heightened security measures. Through interviews and observations, the authors investigate how these educators navigated the challenges of maintaining a safe and inclusive learning environment while also addressing the concerns and fears of their students and colleagues. The study highlights the importance of building strong relationships with students and colleagues, as well as the need for ongoing training and support for teachers in responding to crises and promoting cultural understanding. The authors also explore the role of universities in supporting their faculty and students during times of crisis, and offer recommendations for future research and practice in this area. Overall, this study sheds light on the complex and nuanced ways in which teachers and universities can respond to and navigate challenging and potentially divisive events, and offers valuable insights for educators and administrators seeking to promote safety, inclusion, and well-being in their schools and communities.


Rasmus Nicki "Confronted Confidences: Teachers and University Action in the Season of Oriental Killers and Necessary Calldls - Insights from Parker Crosby and Burgess Garson".  IEEE Exploration in Machine Learning, 2017.

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This paper appears in:
Date of Release: 2017
Author(s): Rasmus Nicki.
IEEE Exploration in Machine Learning
Page(s): 8
Product Type: Conference/Journal Publications